Stories of She #4
To the bullies
Who joined in on
the torment…’re forgiven were just a child.
To the bullies
Who poked,
prodded, and hit …
…you’re forgiven
…but understand what you did.
To the bullies
who enjoyed their
sorrow and tears…
…you’re forgiven
…hope the child healed from the pain.
To the adults
Who knew it was
happening….’s your fault
…you could have stopped it.
To the adults
Who didn’t stop
the bullying…
…it’s your fault
…your inaction enabled them.
To the adults
Who did nothing…
…it’s your fault
… you should have stopped the abuse.
Who was shunned
by their peers…
…it’s not your fault
…kids can be mean.
To the child
who was teased,
mauled, abused…’s not your fault didn’t deserve it.
To the child
Whose innocence
was tarnished…
…it’s not your fault
…don’t let them define you.
…dig deep into the rubble of your heart, find your light
and shine.